Here it is six in the morning, and I just received a message from the alpha/theta realm to get up and write this blog. Yes, this is how Mercury in Pisces operates.
Mercury is about communication, and Pisces is connected with the cosmic, intuitive, imaginal and direct messaging of awareness through flashes of insight, soul resonance, psychic, and inner knowing. This sign is about trusting and flowing with that feeling about something, someone or some place”.
Mercury in Pisces sends me writing messages and clues like this all the time. How about other Mercury in Pisces folks, do you get messages too? Where is Pisces in your "Star Map"?
I have a passion for writing, but it follows a particular pathway. Why? I was born with the “dreaded” Mercury in Pisces retrograde. I can hear the chorus of voices saying” oh my, that poor little thing".
People tell me that the sign of Pisces is none to steady anyway, and just think, "being born that way". Where have we heard that statement, “born that way, so different”.
Now back to my particular connection with writing. Well it takes a kind of circuitous route, because after all my natal Mercury in Pisces “retrograde” renders me incapable of not being able to string two sentences together. I just keep hearing the echo, “born that way”.
The following is a description of Mercury in retrograde from a noted astrologer, “...problems in communications, technology breakdowns, nervous anxiety, and travel delays. But on the positive side, Mercury retrograde is a good time to recover things that were lost.” Oh, thanks so much for the word of encouragement.
What’s going on with these kinds of discussions and descriptions? Of course everything indicated above, occurs, but it's not just Pisces at retrograde season. What really needs to change? We need a 2020 attitude adjustment.
Here are some excerpts from a previous blog where I take a look at Mercury retrograde. http://www.soulsoundinsights.com/blog
Mercury holds a powerful position as an intermediary between the Sun and the other planets. Blaming this planet for the lack of movement and things not happening instantaneously, is off base. Like every planet, this one has a certain unique, and characteristic message. Essentially, Mercury Rx is about slowing down and taking a “ communication and media pause.
Meanwhile, as I’ve been cruising through the internet, there’s inevitably a ton of people lamenting that Mercury has done “this, that or the other”, and caused them major inconvenience. There seems to be a lot of “Mercury blaming” going on at the present time.
In our current cultural climate, there is a demanding attitude of entitlement and expectation where everything is supposed to happen “right now". Think, “Amazon style ordering ”. You decide you want something, and you get out your smartphone and plastic of choice, place your order, and instantaneously it’s yours.
Oh my Goddess Moon, if something happens in the ordering process, and it’s retrograde season, immediately it’s because the planet of communication sent out a personal message to impede and thwart your desires.
Many astrologers, those who are well known, and folks who’re just starting to work with astrology, all stand talking in hushed tones while wringing their hands when it comes to talking about the sign of Pisces, the mysterious strange 12th house, and the planet Neptune.
Elementally, Pisces is a water sign, meaning that it is about experiencing life expression from a feeling and heart-centered space. In our current collective mindset of “hurry up and do something”, the Pisces energy doesn’t fit this mode.
It’s very important to understand that EVERY SIGN HAS ITS PLACE AND SIGNIFICANCE..
Mercury retrograde is not the best time for jumping into new situations, signing contracts, planning or going into new ventures. This is the time for doing some in depth:
Pisces is the sign of unlocking the Treasure chest of your heart’s deepest desires. This is the sign of the “Dancer”. Each one of us has everything it takes to create our own music, dance moves and Soulful life expression. This is the sign that has experienced the zodiac wheel through every other sign. Let’s Tap into the wisdom that’s waiting for us.
Still wondering about my writing? Let's talk about it in my next Soul Sound Sessions. Next Monday, February 24, 11AM-12PM, Pacific time we'll take a look at Pisces and the 12 Houses. Look forward to seeing you.
Astro-Magic Continues,
Warmly yours
Mercury is about communication, and Pisces is connected with the cosmic, intuitive, imaginal and direct messaging of awareness through flashes of insight, soul resonance, psychic, and inner knowing. This sign is about trusting and flowing with that feeling about something, someone or some place”.
Mercury in Pisces sends me writing messages and clues like this all the time. How about other Mercury in Pisces folks, do you get messages too? Where is Pisces in your "Star Map"?
I have a passion for writing, but it follows a particular pathway. Why? I was born with the “dreaded” Mercury in Pisces retrograde. I can hear the chorus of voices saying” oh my, that poor little thing".
People tell me that the sign of Pisces is none to steady anyway, and just think, "being born that way". Where have we heard that statement, “born that way, so different”.
Now back to my particular connection with writing. Well it takes a kind of circuitous route, because after all my natal Mercury in Pisces “retrograde” renders me incapable of not being able to string two sentences together. I just keep hearing the echo, “born that way”.
The following is a description of Mercury in retrograde from a noted astrologer, “...problems in communications, technology breakdowns, nervous anxiety, and travel delays. But on the positive side, Mercury retrograde is a good time to recover things that were lost.” Oh, thanks so much for the word of encouragement.
What’s going on with these kinds of discussions and descriptions? Of course everything indicated above, occurs, but it's not just Pisces at retrograde season. What really needs to change? We need a 2020 attitude adjustment.
Here are some excerpts from a previous blog where I take a look at Mercury retrograde. http://www.soulsoundinsights.com/blog
Mercury holds a powerful position as an intermediary between the Sun and the other planets. Blaming this planet for the lack of movement and things not happening instantaneously, is off base. Like every planet, this one has a certain unique, and characteristic message. Essentially, Mercury Rx is about slowing down and taking a “ communication and media pause.
Meanwhile, as I’ve been cruising through the internet, there’s inevitably a ton of people lamenting that Mercury has done “this, that or the other”, and caused them major inconvenience. There seems to be a lot of “Mercury blaming” going on at the present time.
In our current cultural climate, there is a demanding attitude of entitlement and expectation where everything is supposed to happen “right now". Think, “Amazon style ordering ”. You decide you want something, and you get out your smartphone and plastic of choice, place your order, and instantaneously it’s yours.
Oh my Goddess Moon, if something happens in the ordering process, and it’s retrograde season, immediately it’s because the planet of communication sent out a personal message to impede and thwart your desires.
Many astrologers, those who are well known, and folks who’re just starting to work with astrology, all stand talking in hushed tones while wringing their hands when it comes to talking about the sign of Pisces, the mysterious strange 12th house, and the planet Neptune.
Elementally, Pisces is a water sign, meaning that it is about experiencing life expression from a feeling and heart-centered space. In our current collective mindset of “hurry up and do something”, the Pisces energy doesn’t fit this mode.
It’s very important to understand that EVERY SIGN HAS ITS PLACE AND SIGNIFICANCE..
Mercury retrograde is not the best time for jumping into new situations, signing contracts, planning or going into new ventures. This is the time for doing some in depth:
- Review
- Reflect
- Revise
- Renew
- Relax
- Revision
- Replay
- Release
- Re_______(whatever you need)
Pisces is the sign of unlocking the Treasure chest of your heart’s deepest desires. This is the sign of the “Dancer”. Each one of us has everything it takes to create our own music, dance moves and Soulful life expression. This is the sign that has experienced the zodiac wheel through every other sign. Let’s Tap into the wisdom that’s waiting for us.
Still wondering about my writing? Let's talk about it in my next Soul Sound Sessions. Next Monday, February 24, 11AM-12PM, Pacific time we'll take a look at Pisces and the 12 Houses. Look forward to seeing you.
Astro-Magic Continues,
Warmly yours