Yes, you can predict your own future! What we need is a bit of quiet, and the willingness to trust that we each have the answers, to our life questions and soul quests. What part of your life needs some light?
How is it that we each have the ability to predict the future? The Moon in your astrology chart is the aspect of self that is wired for deep intuitive and inner self knowing. Now here we are, sitting on the first day of 2018. This is a particularly, “auspicious” (love this word) Super Moon in the sign of Cancer. The the keyword for the Full Moon is, “Release” what no longer serves your well-being, and soul expression!
The major lunar theme of the collective society, is pointed directly at the rise and resurgence and balancing of the collective divine feminine energy with the sacred masculine. There have been and will continue to be, many signals which indicate an evolutionary change is happening throughout the world.
Women and men, alike are being called upon to recognize and realize the deepest worth and value of every person.
How is it that we each have the ability to predict the future? The Moon in your astrology chart is the aspect of self that is wired for deep intuitive and inner self knowing. Now here we are, sitting on the first day of 2018. This is a particularly, “auspicious” (love this word) Super Moon in the sign of Cancer. The the keyword for the Full Moon is, “Release” what no longer serves your well-being, and soul expression!
The major lunar theme of the collective society, is pointed directly at the rise and resurgence and balancing of the collective divine feminine energy with the sacred masculine. There have been and will continue to be, many signals which indicate an evolutionary change is happening throughout the world.
Women and men, alike are being called upon to recognize and realize the deepest worth and value of every person.
This first Full Moon cycle is really about allowing ourselves to experience our feelings and reactions to what gives us emotional security, nurturing, mothering, and recognizing those instinctive responses to the hidden, often unconscious parts of self. The beginning of this year, is about questioning and asking,“ what do I need to understand about myself, from the “mother root” of my being". The lunar wisdom, understanding, and awareness can only be discerned from going into the deepest part of the yourself.
The Moon sign is not always easy to understand because it’s often working at the unconscious level. But, if we are willing to really observe our life experiences, we can get a grasp of how the Moon energy is manifesting. In her book, Moon Signs: The Key to Your Inner Life, world famous astrologer, therapist and writer, Donna Cunningham, writes the following:
“The most basic needs are by birth Moon sign---including what you need to feel emotionally fulfilled, secure and nurtured. Your Moon sign is a guide to your own personal needs----what they are, and how to meet them. Although some needs may be universal, we don’t all need or want the same things. There are very different sets of needs, based on the Moon sign at birth. For instance, Aquarius Moons need space and freedom, feeling confined by close family attachments, while Cancer Moons desperately need that connection to their roots. Virgo Moons need the comfort of predictable routines, while Gemini Moons need constant change.”
When you have a moment, please take a listen to my Lunar Tips audio, where I will share a bit about each of the 12 houses. Where is the sign of Cancer transiting in your chart? Getting in tune with the Moon in Cancer, can be the start to what you’ve been wanting, and of course, receiving the “changes that’s are seeking you”.
Wishing you absolutely fabulous Astro-Magic in 2108
Warmly yours,
The Moon sign is not always easy to understand because it’s often working at the unconscious level. But, if we are willing to really observe our life experiences, we can get a grasp of how the Moon energy is manifesting. In her book, Moon Signs: The Key to Your Inner Life, world famous astrologer, therapist and writer, Donna Cunningham, writes the following:
“The most basic needs are by birth Moon sign---including what you need to feel emotionally fulfilled, secure and nurtured. Your Moon sign is a guide to your own personal needs----what they are, and how to meet them. Although some needs may be universal, we don’t all need or want the same things. There are very different sets of needs, based on the Moon sign at birth. For instance, Aquarius Moons need space and freedom, feeling confined by close family attachments, while Cancer Moons desperately need that connection to their roots. Virgo Moons need the comfort of predictable routines, while Gemini Moons need constant change.”
When you have a moment, please take a listen to my Lunar Tips audio, where I will share a bit about each of the 12 houses. Where is the sign of Cancer transiting in your chart? Getting in tune with the Moon in Cancer, can be the start to what you’ve been wanting, and of course, receiving the “changes that’s are seeking you”.
Wishing you absolutely fabulous Astro-Magic in 2108
Warmly yours,