Moon in Leo is totally fascinating. Will You Stand In Your Own Light?
Each month we are honored with an opportunity to make changes in various areas of our lives, if we choose to follow the Moon's lunar guidance.
This lunar cycle is an especially powerful and activating one. Perhaps you have been hearing about the 8:8 Lion's Gateway Portal. What's the difference in this New Moon?
The number 8 has an ancient and spiritual connection with many "seers" and wisdom seekers who observed and calculated the movement of the star constellations.
The Lion's Gate is astrologically associated with the sign of Leo. The sign of the Lion is helping us to realize our inner and outer radiance, courage, and confidence. Every person has the right to be sovereign and fully empowered within the self. This is a time of high frequency energy of love, expansion and beauty. The key to the Lion's Gate activation is acceptance of ourselves from the Heart.
How does the Lion's Gate and sign of Leo archetypes come together. Over the many millennia the brightest star, Sirius makes it yearly appearance around 8:8 This year 2021, it also coincides with the New Moon in Leo.
The Lion's Gate becomes a planetary portal of light that provides a heighten awareness of consciousness between the physical Earth plane, and the cosmic Spiritual realms. Why is this important?
In ancient Egypt and other lands the natural world was a part of living. Women and men watched the night sky and stars; they observed and created rituals around the planetary and celestial events. The ancient Pyramid of Giza was known to have an alignment with Orion constellation and star Sirius. This alignment is significant as a cosmic and spiritual message for self realization for inhabitants here on Earth.
The sign of Leo is associated with inspiration and light centered in the Heart. The Lion's Gateway is a portal that symbolizes the concentration of Galactic energy that has the potential to revitalize, activate and realign the consciousness of humanity, as well as activating individual and personal Soul renewal. This is the time to step into your own "spotlight".
So the importance of this time has to do with choice and intention. Everyone has an equal chance to speak and say, "I open my heart to myself, and align with the Light that shines within me". As I release this Light that totally clears and reveals me, I know that it is also clearing the World around me".
On the 8:8, New Moon in Leo, just select one intention. Let this be your "Power of Inspiration" seed. The New Moon always provides a new beginning each month. With the added activation of the Lion's Gate, the cosmic and spiritual light realm is also teaming up with the number code "infinity number 8". This is the time to speak your deepest dreams into manifestation.
New Moon in Leo, 8:8, Lion's Gate, is a supreme moment to tune in, align with and activate
truth, joy and creative expression. Want to find the Lion's Gate in your astrology chart? Come over and join the discussion. Soul Sound Sessions.
Let the Stars Guide the Way,
Warmest Astro Regards,
Ruth xx