Wow! Here we are 19 days into the new year, and already we have something big waiting in the wings. Why do you need to “Romance Your Moon Muse”? What does the sign of Leo have to do with it? Somewhere in your astrology map, your “Moon Muse” is waiting for you to open your creative self to the gifts She has for you.
Ah, yes the sign of Leo is about standing in your own limelight. On January 20th-21st, a powerful and brilliant portal of opportunity opens. Are you ready to claim your light?
Yes, everyone has this possibility. On the 2oth/21st, the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Leo, at 00 degrees 51 minutes with the Sun moving into Aquarius at the same degree point, are broadcasting on the frequency, “Shine Your Love Light”
This is a Supermoon because of the closeness of the Moon to Earth at this time. With this Moon positioned at the 00 degree point, you have the golden opportunity somewhere in your astrology “Star Map” to “Reset and Restart” a part of your life, that’s been calling you for a long time.
This is the moment to bring out your astrology chart/map and begin to learn where you have this Full Moon and Eclipse position. What house(s) is asking to you to “Reset” and Restart” with the pure potential being granted by this 00 degree position?
“Romancing Your Moon Muse”, is your opportunity to open your heart to your deepest desires. It's time to claim what you know to be true about yourself
In what way do you need to “Shine” ? Your “Moon Muse” illumines your inner wisdom. Listen and feel your way into your unique “Muse” message.
This Leo Full Moon and Eclipse is a spotlight that is focused on your uniqueness. Along with shining in your own light, you also stand as an inspiration for others to claim the wondrousness about themselves.
The Sun in Aquarius is the other side of this lunar eclipse pair. It brings us to the understanding of the unique vision held by each of us.
Other people, cannot tell you about your particular calling or about your unique way of standing and shining in the world. With this 00 degree Leo point, you are being presented with many creative ways to “Reset” your vision by opening your heart to yourself.
- “Romance Your Moon Muse”,
- Leo is the sign of creative inspiration.
- Joy, play, open heartedness, generosity of spirit are the keys to your Moon Muse.
- Let your Love be expressed in an infinite variety of ways through this fiery sign.
The 5th house on the astrology wheel represents the environment, situations, circumstances and people which bring shared experiences of love, romance, play, self-expression, leadership, the inner child energy, and most of all the courage to follow your heart desires and dreams.
Let’s be very clear though. The Moon in the chart represents the inner awareness of what gives you the purest feeling of your own being. We each have a natal moon position, which is so familiar, we often don’t recognize that it’s a total part of us. The Moon is the essence of how you feel about yourself at the deepest core inner level.
So we have this Leo Full Moon, that’s a paradox. On one hand, Leo is a masculine sign with guidance and rulership of the Sun. Yet, this Full Moon is about embracing who you are from the inside out. The Moon represents the Divine feminine. This Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse is about building a "Soul" bridge within.
It seems then, you can’t stand in the “Limelight” or on your unique life stage or platform, until you have that “heart to heart talk with your “Moon Muse”. The effects of the Eclipse is going to be felt for at least 6-9 months.
Another reason to really pay attention, is that this lunar eclipse and moon cycle will not be occurring again for another 8 years.
If you haven’t already guess just by the tone of this blog, I’m over the Moon about this cosmic event. Along with this “Super Juju” that Leo has for us, there are a host of other astrological characters who are part of this “Reset Your Life” . Uranus and Mars in Aries, Venus and Jupiter in Sagittarius, as well as the powerhouse Capricorn quartet.
Please don't miss this magnificent and Sacred opportunity, to experience your unique and transformative message from your " Moon Muse."
Wishing You Much Love and Lunar Magic,
P.S. Perhaps this is the time to give yourself the opportunity to use the amazing insights of astrology to gain insights for your personal and unique “Reset”. In addition to the astrology insights, learn how the system of numerology can bring you understanding of your number codes.
The combination of these two powerful life and soul direction systems of stars and numbers can be the key to the successful life you are seeking. bit.ly/litereading
Let’s be very clear though. The Moon in the chart represents the inner awareness of what gives you the purest feeling of your own being. We each have a natal moon position, which is so familiar, we often don’t recognize that it’s a total part of us. The Moon is the essence of how you feel about yourself at the deepest core inner level.
So we have this Leo Full Moon, that’s a paradox. On one hand, Leo is a masculine sign with guidance and rulership of the Sun. Yet, this Full Moon is about embracing who you are from the inside out. The Moon represents the Divine feminine. This Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse is about building a "Soul" bridge within.
It seems then, you can’t stand in the “Limelight” or on your unique life stage or platform, until you have that “heart to heart talk with your “Moon Muse”. The effects of the Eclipse is going to be felt for at least 6-9 months.
Another reason to really pay attention, is that this lunar eclipse and moon cycle will not be occurring again for another 8 years.
If you haven’t already guess just by the tone of this blog, I’m over the Moon about this cosmic event. Along with this “Super Juju” that Leo has for us, there are a host of other astrological characters who are part of this “Reset Your Life” . Uranus and Mars in Aries, Venus and Jupiter in Sagittarius, as well as the powerhouse Capricorn quartet.
Please don't miss this magnificent and Sacred opportunity, to experience your unique and transformative message from your " Moon Muse."
Wishing You Much Love and Lunar Magic,
P.S. Perhaps this is the time to give yourself the opportunity to use the amazing insights of astrology to gain insights for your personal and unique “Reset”. In addition to the astrology insights, learn how the system of numerology can bring you understanding of your number codes.
The combination of these two powerful life and soul direction systems of stars and numbers can be the key to the successful life you are seeking. bit.ly/litereading