The initial zero degree position called for us to recognize what parts of our lives have needed big attention. There has been a question of clarity about life relationships of all kinds. Even as an astrologer, I have perceived the sign of Libra to be mild mannered and having an almost disappearing presence. In fact, Libra has appeared to be the emotional pushover of the zodiac, along with the stereotyped Pisces.
But, I've taken another look and feel toward Libra. Today, on April 19, with this 29th degree position, I see Libra in a new light. With this final degree, and the rarity of this cosmic movement, Libra is offering and revealing a major life lesson. This is the end of the road for many relationships and connections that have not embraced the "Libran Way", of peace, love and harmony.
Wherever Libra is positioned in your astrology chart, is where something is finished. It's over!
Today Libra has taken on some of that Aries energy, and is not taking anymore "stuff" from anyone. The Full Moon Libra proclamation: "look everybody, I attempted to make things right with you, but you didn't care about being together. I'm done now. So long and goodbye".
" This is the end of the road for all the chances given, but not claimed with an open heart".
Libra guided/ruled by Venus, has given an abundance of chances to be in loving connection. Libra is the sign that's always attempting to find a balance with the other person.
But with the last degree of the sign, as it moves through this Full Moon phase, Libra is proclaiming that there are no more chances. The proverbial "party's over".
The action of resolving, releasing, relinquishing and reharmonizing life patterns of how we make relationship connections, which give us inner self awareness, balance and deepening wisdom, is the overarching theme of this lunar cycle.
When I sat to write this blog, I knew that it would be short. This Full Moon in Libra, in it's last degree doesn't seem to lend itself to a lot of words. Today's Moon is to the point.
"Trust today and move forward".
May You Find What is Yours On The New Road.
Always Yours in Moon Magic,